
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Top films of 2012

The Rkenny Awards!!
Everything is in order.

Best Picture
Zero Dark Thirty
Les Miserables
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
The Impossible
Silver Linings Playbook
The Dark Knight Rises
The Sessions
(Runners Up: The Intouchables, Life of Pi, Compliance, Moonrise Kingdom, On the Road, Looper, Cloud Atlas, Smashed, Flight, Safety Not Guaranteed, The Master, Prometheus, End of Watch, Cosmopolis, The Avengers, Cabin in the Woods, The Hunger Games, Friends with Kids, Seeking a Friend for the End of the World)

Best Animated Film
Wreck-it Ralph
Madagascar: Europe's Most Wanted

Best Actor
Hugh Jackman - Les Miserables
Daniel Day-Lewis - Lincoln
Bradley Cooper - Silver Linings Playbook
Denzel Washington - Flight
John Hawkes - The Sessions
(Runners Up: Logan Lerman - The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Tom Hollland - The Impossible, Joaquin Phoenix - The Master, Ben Affleck - Argo, Omar Sy - The Intouchables)

Best Actress
Naomi Watts - The Impossible
Jennifer Lawrence - Silver Linings Playbook / The Hunger Games
Jessica Chastain - Zero Dark Thirty
Keira Knightley - Anna Karenina
Mary Elizabeth Winstead - Smashed
(Runner Up: Dreama Walker - Compliance, Marion Cotillard - Rust and Bone)

Best Supporting Actor
Javier Bardem - Skyfall
Robert Deniro - Silver Linings Playbook
Christoph Waltz - Django Unchained
Eddie Redmayne - Les Miserables
Ewan McGregor - The Impossible
(Runners Up: Philip Seymour Hoffman - The Master, Garrett Hedlund - On the Road, Tommy Lee Jones - Lincoln, Ezra Miller - The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Tom Hardy - The Dark Knight Rises)

Best Supporting Actress
Anne Hathaway - Les Miserables
Ann Dowd - Compliance
Samantha Barks - Les Miserables
Helen Hunt - The Sessions
Emily Blunt - Looper    
(Runners Up: Jacki Weaver - Silver Linings Playbook, Judi Dench - Skyfall, Emma Watson - The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Kristen Stewart - On the Road, Sally Field - Lincoln)

Best Ensemble
Les Miserables
Silver Linings Playbok
Cloud Atlas
Moonrise Kingdom
(Runners Up: Argo, The Dark Knight Rises, On the Road, Cosmopolis, Skyfall)

Best Director
Ben Affleck - Argo
Kathryn Bigelow - Zero Dark Thirty
Tom Hooper - Les Miserables
Steven Spielberg - Lincoln
Ang Lee - Life of Pi
(Runners Up: David O. Russell - Silver Linings Playbook, J.A. Bayona - The Impossible, Christopher Nolan - The Dark Knight Rises, Stephen Chbosky - The Perks of Being a Wallflower)

Best Original Screenplay
Zero Dark Thirty
Moonrise Kingdom
The Impossible
(Runners Up: Django Unchained, Flight, The Master, Cabin in the Woods)

Best Adapted Screenplay
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Silver Linings Playbook
The Sessions
(Runners Up: Les Miserables, On the Road, Life of Pi, Cloud Atlas, Cosmopolis)

Best Score
Cloud Atlas
The Impossible
The Dark Knight Rises
Life of Pi
(Runners Up: Anna Karenina, Lincoln, Beasts of the Southern Wild, Zero Dark Thirty)

Best Production Design 
Les Miserables
Anna Karenina
Cloud Atlas
Django Unchained
(Runners Up: The Impossible, Lincoln)

Best Costume Design 
Anna Karenina
Les Miserables
Snow White and the Huntsman
Cloud Atlas
Django Unchained
(Runner Up: Lincoln)

Best Makeup and Hairstyles
Cloud Atlas
Les Miserables
The Impossible

Best Sound
The Impossible
The Dark Knight Rises
Les Miserables
(Runners Up: Zero Dark Thirty,  Life of Pi, The Avengers, Cloud Atlas)

Best Cinematography
Life of Pi
Les Miserables
The Impossible
Zero Dark Thirty
(Runners Up: On the Road, Lincoln, The Dark Knight Rises, Django Unchained, Anna Karenina)

Best Visual Effects
Cloud Atlas
Life of Pi
The Impossible 
Snow White and the Huntsman
(Runners Up: The Avengers, The Dark Knight Rises, The Impossible, Chronicle)

Funniest Movie of the Year